A Letter to New Moms

Posted by Kristen Bickel on

Hey there, Mama! You are crushing it! Taking care of a tiny human isn’t a simple task and you are doing a wonderful job! Congratulations on the birth of your precious little one! 

Becoming a new mom can be an overwhelming, scary, but such a beautiful journey. There are so many facets of your new postpartum self. Make sure that you are taking the time you need to care for yourself and fuel yourself. Those first few months can be a crazy ride, but don’t neglect your wants and needs. Although you may feel like you are working 24/7, it’s very important to not forget about you!

Sometimes all it takes is an unaccompanied trip to Target or an uninterrupted shower to make you feel refreshed. Other times it takes more, or possibly medical intervention to get where you need mentally and that is totally okay! So many moms suffer from postpartum depression and just know you definitely are not alone and it's very common! If you are having thoughts that just don't seem like yourself, please reach out to your doctor. They are there to help! You are beautiful and courageous! 

Physically, your body is just recovering from childbirth! Whether you've had a vaginal birth or a cesarean and your body has a lot of recovering to do! Those afterbirth cramps are the worst! It took 9 months to grow that baby so it will probably take 9 months to get back to mostly normal. I say “mostly” because we all know that childbirth changes the body for good, but after a few months, you should start feeling a little more like you. 

Mentally, those postpartum hormones are a doozy! I think I cry more after childbirth than the pregnancy hormones! If you are feeling too blue though, please talk to someone. Once you get a hang of this whole parenting thing, it does become easier to manage and that can help with the mental strain. Getting out and meeting with other moms can be wonderful! It feels relieving when you can talk about your struggles and realize that so many are having the same struggles and you can get advice about what has worked for your friends. 

If you are breastfeeding, you are doing a great job! If you are bottle-feeding, you are doing a great job! Getting that baby fed however works best for you and your family situation is all that matters. Check out The Baby’s Brew Portable Bottle Warmer to help take the guesswork out of warming bottles! No need to stress whether the bottle is the correct temperature for your baby when using The Baby’s Brew. Just set the temperature to one of the 4 temperature settings and your bottle will warm to the exact temperature you selected!

Don't worry about chores and give yourself lots of grace. The chores will be waiting for you when you are ready to tackle them. Don't push yourself. Take this time and be fully present. Take naps whenever you can and give your body time to heal. Don't forget to ask for help, you are already a supermom and even Superwoman needs help!  

Becoming a mom is so amazing and rewarding, but it’s also the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! You are not alone and even though we all doubt ourselves, you are doing an absolutely wonderful job!!! Make sure to hold your baby as much as you want and savor every second! The time truly goes way too fast!

You've got this!


Written by: Kristen Bickel

Kristen is a mom of 4 and an employee at The Baby’s Brew.

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